Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Urgent Care and Other Medical Tales

Well, as most of you know I had to leave Uncle Blake's wedding reception to take Lili to Urgent Care. My Dad went with us since I'd had a Cosmo AND was an emotional wreck. We were there well past 10pm, but were still home before the party broke up.

She has a Bladder Infection, possibly from soap in the bath water. There was a whole bath time incident that happened several days before that leads me to believe that was the cause.

I think she is permanantly traumatized for bath time. Ever since when I go to give her a bath it is tears, screaming, running from the bathroom. I broke down yesterday and got in the shower with her, instead of forcing her to sit in the bathtub, and she clung to me screaming while Matt washed her. Not fun, not fun at all. She used to love bath time.

Anyway, she is on 7 days of antibiotics and it has wreaked serious havoc on her digestive system. We've got her eating yogurt, drinking as much water as possible, watered down juice (including prune juice), and now I'm contemplating OTC digestive aids. I've got a call into her Dr. to see if they concur, but I'm pretty sure they will.

My Mom suggested that we go this route and she hasn't steered me wrong yet. Heck, it was her and Dad that figured out that she had the infection in the first place. I thought for 2 days she was just being 2 and grumpy (oh, and yes I feel like the world's worst Mother for not figuring it out).

Anyway, while she might be on the mend from the infection, she's now got another problem from the treatment. Side effects suck enough when you are an adult. My poor little girl is suffering now and it hurts my heart to know she is not happy.