Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lili's 2-year Check-up Update

The Doctor says that she is lean and long and perfect (her words). She estimates Lili will be about 5'-10" when all is said and done. Right now she is 37 1/4" tall, which is the 100th percentile. She is 29.6 pounds, which is the 90th percentile. But the Doctor says that it is fine she is in the 90th percentile.

She says her speach is right on track and Lili even gave her a big kiss, which was really cute. We just need to continue with reading to her and encouraging her. She is learning new words everyday, it really is amazing.

She gave us some tips on potty training and how to make it easy on her, not force her, and to have it be a positive experience. That is our goal right now, to get her potty trained. Since Matt is home and she's not in daycare, we can take our time with it and not rush her. If we make it fun, it will happen faster.

We do need to back off on the amount of milk she's having everyday (I think my Mom is right and she should just have it with meals). And it is ok that she is eating mostly carb rich foods (mostly because she's not eating a lot of processed food or junk food in general) and fruits and veggies. We will re-evaluate in a year and see if major changes are needed, but she still wants us to try to get her to eat some more protein and to keep introducing new foods the way we have.

And at 2, nothing is off limits, healthy food wise. She can have peanuts (which she's had for awhile), nuts, all fruits, honey, etc. It is also time to start her on a multi-vitamin.