The unfairness of it all. Matt has this uncanny ability to take amazing shots of Lili. She is smiling, looking at the camera, and genuinly happy...
She's laughing...
And here she is in a candid moment.
And this is what I get... She looks constipated and depressed...
Here I forgot to turn off the zoom and she turned her head...
And this one she ran at the camera between the time I started taking the picture and when it actually took (and my smart ass of a husband pointed out that if I put the last 2 pictures together I almost have 1 good headshot...he's an ass).
It's not fair :-(
I know, I'm a whiner. All that matters is that I have a healthy, happy, well-adjusted, polite little girl. Which she is. Except today, she has a cold. But even with a cold, she's still a treasure of a child. On her worst day she is better than a lot of kids on their best days.
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