Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lili Pili

Lili has been at Grandma & Grandpa's all day. Matt is working for a friend of his today and tomorrow (provided Lili hasn't exhausted them past the point of reason). She was taking pots and pans off the shelves when I called the first time. And mom says she loves to fling the stainless steel water bowl for the dogs. She likes the sound it makes.

She's had 3 dogs to torment. Dad picked up Jr. & Katie today. Jr. because my sister is working a lot. And Katie because my Uncle had ANOTHER medical episode. We still don't know if it is a heart attack or what.

Mom has been keeping a careful eye on her and the dogs. Tess hates her unless she has food, if she doesn't she is pretty good about avoiding her. Katie I just don't trust because she was with an older person before John, so we don't know what she will do around a baby (but so far she's ok). And Jr., well, they are buddies. When she pesters him too much he moves. He's never barked or snapped at her. And yes, I know, that can change in an instant. But so far so good.

I miss her today. I hate being away from her, but today is especially hard. So much not-so-much-fun stuff has happened today. I just want to kiss my baby and hug my hubby to make it all go away.